If you have any of these conditions you must inform the service provider who will determine if it is safe for you to receive a lash lift.
Cysts (A cyst is a lump of the upper or lower eyelid caused by obstruction and inflammation of an oil gland of the eye lid - also known as a meibomian, tarsal ore granuloma cyst
Hordeola/Style/Styes (a small collection of puss/abscess on the eyelid)
Blepharitis (is an ocular condition characterized by chronic inflammation of the eyelid)
Chemotherapy (cancer treatment)
Skin Disease, skin trauma, cuts, abrasions, burns and swelling in the immediate area
Weak eyelashes at therapist discretion on consultation (from over styling or product use)
Skin Disorders in the general eye area (Dermatisis, Xanthelasma & Syringoma)
Eye infections such as Imetigo or conjunctivitis
Eye inflammation such as Uveitis
Recent operations around eyes, head or face or scar tissue in immediate areas
Watery eyes
Hypersensitive skin/eyes
Keratitis (inflammation of the cornia of the eye)
Alopecia (loss of hair)
Trichotillomania (classified as an impulse control disorder and is the compulsive urge to pull out ones own hair
Bells Palsy or any condition that makes closing or opening eyes difficult
Any disease/disorder that causes shaking, twitching or erratic movements
Dry eye syndrome
Post Chemotherapy
Contact lenses
Collagen Sensitivity